Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Put down the Porterhouse!!!

I posted on FaceBook, a little rant about a Vegetarianism Challenge! There are lots of angry meat eaters not happy about this. Okay, not really. But there were some Carnivorous Comments (one from my self of course, hey the challenge hasn't started yet:).
So, the challenge begins Sept 30th til October 30th! No meat, No flesh (ew..), No seafood, No poultry. Yes, some wines are filtered with animal protein. Don't stop being your wino self! This challenge is not meant to be super strict! If you're having a "meat breakdown" by all means have a slice of filet mignon, with a glass of Chianti, and some fava beans. Yum...
This challenge is much like those mud runs and those crazy cross fit workouts. When you complete it, you have a feeling of accomplishment! When you complete it with a group, you have that feeling of awesome-fun, camaraderie (exchanging veggie recipes, veggie meal plans, veggie products, telling your friend to "put down the porterhouse and leave the steakhouse... now!").

So, let's do the challenge. What do you have to lose? Weight, of course! When you spend the first week struggling... because you just don't know what to eat, you'll definitely lose some pounds. Don't get me wrong I enjoy some camaraderie and feelings of accomplishment, but let's get back to the real picture here... the bottom line... to melt the tummy!!!
Tummy Melt!!!


P.S. Be a safe vegetarian, do your research, eat ya vitamins (some people worry about a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Because B-12 is not found in plants. Eat ya eggs, dairy, if lactose... take a supplement.) I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV!
So listen to me when I say "be safe!"

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September Anew!

Well, welcome September 2013 !
In the age of mud runs, bootcamp style workouts, and crazy intense up & down fit... cross fit, any whichway fit workouts. There is a high percentage of people that truly want to be fit. I do! And I've wrestled with some of those tigers. Most of these workouts challenge your stamina, your psychological health, and workout your entire body.
I do want all of this in a workout!
But my main thing, IS THE TUMMY!!!
And that's why we're here...
We're here to melt the tummy...
TUMMY MELT! (okay enough with the name plugging:) Those of you who know me, I'm six-pack obsessed. I've been that way for a while (hence the start date of this blog and all of the infomercial abdominal contraptions under my bed). I proudly admit, I'm a "start/stopper". I start a workout plan, then I stop, then I start again... I've tried the "insanity" workout three times, never completed it :( But don't let that discourage you from following me. Hehe:)
I got good workout plans. Hey, if I don't complete them, you can, and you'll see great results. Besides, I'm not terribly out of shape... maybe its all the "start/stopping" workouts:) My goal is to cut it up, my workout plans will touch upon the entire body, but will absolutely focus on the... what?  what...The Tummy!!!

Well, Its a new month, what a perfect time to start anew! So join me in this journey, this six-pack adventure. Let's do IT.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

...I KNOW...

Do you still love me?

Well I've been working out, but not enough to post about (or maybe it has been enough?).
I started going for bike rides 2-3 times a week. And doing abdominal exercises every other day. I started May 1st. Sorry, you should have been included. I know...

I broke down and bought a workout DVD, I'm just too lazy (busy and ill motivated) to keep coming up with my own workout plans. Ugh.

So, I recommend this DVD :)
"Basic Ab Workout/ For Dummies" with fitness professional Gay Gasper. (O,what a name:) It's a great DVD, one of my favs so far! It really breaks it down and explains it All. I love it! Just listen to Gay and you can't go wrong.

I do the entire Basic Ab workout, from warm up to the final stretch. Or if time is of the essence I do the 10 minute Fast-Track.

And I bike for Cardio! About 30mins, more if it's a lovely day. I want to put some running in there, but that hasn't happened yet. (But I bought running and new workout gear! Yay!)

June 5th is going to be the day we start together... I Know...

This should give you plenty of time to get your gear.
Workout clothes.
Workout and Running Shoes.
The Basic Ab Workout DVD.
A Bike.

I promise we'll work it out. I've been doing it since May 1st. Let's do it together June 5th.
Thanks again for your time.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It's been since Tuesday, March 22, since I posted.
It was March 27th that I said I would start anew.
And I was suppose to go Carb-Free for a week starting April 4th.

Haha... I'm so crazy.

I need to figure it out and think of my next move before I post empty promises!!!

I'm gonna go dine at one of my favorite restaurants (Frog and the Peach) and ponder about my cheesecake pouch, and who knows I may even have dessert.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Probably not... Excuse me while I have a much deserved insecure moment.
I will not mention how long I've been away, these postings are dated, you do the math!

Sorry, I don't mean to get angry at you. It's my fault, I'm the slacker who's been slacking. !But, wait I can get angry at you... because you are suppose to be my motivators, my friend, and a confidant. That's golden :)

Anyway, I'm back, but it's Tuesday, and I like to start on Sunday. So :) I will start anew on Sunday, March 27th, and if I miss Sunday, then I will start Monday, because technically Sunday is the day of rest... and blah, blah, blah... you know me so well.


P.S. Oh, and a great dancer friend (although, I've never seen her dance) told me that my "cheesecake pouch" aka "the tummy" is just a ball/pouch of stress and carbs. So, I must take that advice! Monday, April 4th kicks off Carb-Free week!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

...and that's what it's all about!

For all of you new followers!
I know you what to skip through the posts and get all of the tummy melting magic secrets and goodness of a GLORIOUS SIX-PACK!
I wish I could give you a guide, so you could skip through all of the trials and tribulations and dear diary-esque jargon.

But I most certainly will not! Hey, sorry! But, that's what a blog is all about!

Read it all, and enjoy :)

Hokey Pokey!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

New WO, No Food Regiment... yet...

It's been awhile..
I'm all done with that yucky detox, sorry to have to put you through that.
Now we can, move on.
Your work out for this week is changing... again. We're gonna just modify last weeks workout... again.

But still no sign of a daily food intake regiment for this week.

Add a Leg Scissor Lift after the basic crunch. And now we'll call this Work Out SuperStarter++

Leg Scissor Lift= Abs engaged. Back on floor. Hands and arms at your side. Legs straight. Lift right leg about 3-4 inches off ground, then lift left leg to meet right leg. Slowly lower left leg to floor, slowly lower right leg to floor. Then lift both legs together (about 3-4 inches off ground) and slowly lower to floor. And scissor, and lift. Up right leg, up left, down left leg, down right leg, up both legs, down both legs= One Count. Exhale as you lift legs. Do three sets of ten reps.

SuperStarter++ Workout:

1st- Twist.
2nd- Toe Touch/Sky High Five.
3rd- Twist.
4th- Bicycle.
5th- Basic Crunch.
6th- Leg Scissor Lift.
7th- Twist.
8th- Toe Touch/Sky High Five.

peace out. tox out.